Create "people" in Deceval through Apitude
The first step in creating promissory notes (IoUs) is to create the "people" in Deceval. Let's see how we can do this with the REST API.
Create a "person"
Using your favorite programming language and libraries, make the following POST request
Ok, but what does each field in that JSON means?
This field represents the identity document type (usually the cedula for Colombian citizens) of the person.city_residence:
This field represents the city where the person is living.state_residence:
This field represents the state where the person is living.country_residence:
This field represents the country where the person is living.country_nationality:
This field represents the country where the person was born or nationalized.document_expedition_city:
This field represents the city of issuance of the person's identity document.document_expedition_state:
This field represents the state of issuance of the person's identity document.document_expedition_country:
This field represents the country of issuance of the person's identity document.phone_number:
This field represents the personal phone number of the person. Make sure to include the country code.fax_number:
This field represents the fax number of the person (If the person does not have one input the same value as the phone). Make sure to include the country code.document_number:
This field represents the identity document number (usually the cedula for Colombian citizens) of the person.address:
This field represents the residential address of the
This field represents the email address of the
This field represents the given name of the person.first_last_name:
This field represents the first family last name of the person.second_last_name:
This field represents the second family last name of the person.birth_date:
This field represents the birth date of the person in YYYY-MM-DD format.document_expedition_date:
This field represents the issue date of the person national ID in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Obtain all "person"s
Using your favorite programming language and libraries, make the following GET request
The service will return a paginated array of persons you have previously created.
Obtain a particular "person"
Using your favorite programming language and libraries, make the following GET request
The request will return a the person with the ID=1 you selected.
Edit a particular "person"
Using your favorite programming language and libraries, make the following PATCH request
Only the fields shown in this example can be edited in a person.
The request will edit and return the person with the ID=1 you selected.