Biometric Document ID Validation - Chile
Lets integrate Biometric Document ID Validation - Chile in your system. First, get your Apitude API key, then send a POST request to Apitude... And that's it!.
Alternatively, the service also receives the following payload
In this case, instead of URLs, you can also send the images in the request itself, encoded as base64 strings
. Lastly, the qr_url
field is optional so you can leave it out.
That POST request should return the following
"message": "Request processed successfully",
"url": "/api/v1.0/requests/document-id-cl/e0606c19-a32d-410f-b2eb-d57a665677bc/",
"request_id": "e0606c19-a32d-410f-b2eb-d57a665677bc"
This response will contains a unique request ID that you should poll using a GET as follows
How does the response looks like?
"result": {
"data": {
"face_id": true,
"security": {
"error": "",
"fraud": false,
"probability": 1.0
"back_info": {
"run": "11562208-3",
"sex": "M",
"name": "JHON BOB",
"error": "",
"valid": true,
"serial": "1045359418",
"last_name": "ROSS WADE",
"birth_date": "1986-11-21",
"profession": "ABOGADO",
"expiry_date": "2026-11-21",
"nationality": "CHILE",
"document_type": "IN",
"optional_data": "S13",
"place_of_birth": "VALDIVIA",
"issuing_country": "CHILE"
"front_info": {
"name": "JHON BOB",
"last_name": "ROSS WADE",
"issuing_date": "2005-12-01",
"status_registro_civil": "VIGENTE"
"error": "",
"end_at": "2022-12-13 23:26:25.645144",
"status": 200,
"message": "successful",
"queried_by": "AnonymousUser",
"service_name": "document-id-cl"
"message": "Request completed"
Ok, but what does each field in that JSON means?
The general parts:
The message is an Apitude generatedstring
with an informational text about the request.result:
The result is contains the main part of the request.result.error:
The error is astring
generated by apitude for the request if everything worked it will be blank.result.message:
The message is astring
with two optionssuccessful
depending of how your request finished.result.queried_by:
The queried_by field is astring
that lets you know what user started the request.result.end_at:
The end_at field is astring formatted date
that lets you know at what time the request ended in Apitude.result.service_name:
The service_name field is astring
that echos the service called. For this service it will always bedocument-id-cl
The status field is ainteger
that represents whether the service returned data from the input sent in the request. It could be one of the following values:200
: The service returned response data for the payload that was sent in the creation of the request.404
: The service did not returned data for the payload that was sent in the creation of the request.400
: The service did not started because your input was invalid.500
: Apitude tried to execute your request, however the service Apitude uses to execute your request was down. Please wait some time and try again, Apitude will not charged you for requests with this code.
Depending on the service, you want it to return different codes. For example, if you are checking the user against a security list to whitelist the user you should look for a
, because a200
would mean the user is in fact in the list. Other cases however, like creating objects in the name of a user you want the code to be200
, since it will imply the creation was a success.
The data in the response:
This field is adictionary
with the OCR information of the back side (barcode) of the back image. Chilean national ID sent. -
This field is adictionary
with the OCR information of the front face of the image Chilean national identification number sent. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the user's last name as found on the identity document. To get this field, the REST API uses an OCR process. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the user's name as found on the identity document. To get this field, the REST API uses an OCR process. -
This field is astring
. The field presents the issue date of the user's identity document as found on the identity document. To get this field, the REST API uses an OCR process. The date format is:YYYY-MM-DD
This field is astring
. A value ofVALID
would mean that the client's identity card was successfully verified against the Chilean Civil Registry and that this identity document is in an active state and no negative news has been reported. A status other thanVALID
would mean that the cedula has some novelty and a high probability of. -
This field is aboolean
. A value oftrue
would mean that the MRZ barcode inside the back of the cedula is correct and that the information present in it was successfully validated. A value offalse
in this field would mean the opposite. If the field is marked asfalse
it is very likely that the document has expired or has been tampered with. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the user's last name as found in the MRZ barcode of the ID document. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the user's name as found in the MRZ barcode of the ID document. -
This field is astring
. The field presents the country of issuance of the user's ID as found in the MRZ barcode of the identity document. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the user's country of nationality as found in the MRZ barcode of the identity document. -
This field is astring
. The field presents the user's date of birth as found in the MRZ barcode of the identity document. The date format is:YYYY-MM-DD
This field is astring
. The field presents the expiration date of the user's identity document as found in the MRZ barcode. The date format is:YYYY-MM-DD
This field is astring
. The field presents the gender at the time of birth of the user as found in the MRZ barcode of the identity document. The two possible options areM
This field is astring
. The field presents the identification number of the user's identity document as found in the MRZ barcode. The check digit is included. -
This field is astring
. The field presents the unique verification number of the user's identity document as found in the MRZ barcode. This field is used to validate the ID against the Chilean Civil Registry. -
This field is astring
. The field displays the profession of the user. This field requires that the user be in possession of a professional degree granted by a university, professional institute or other body authorized to do so. -
This field is astring
. The field presents the user's place of birth. Using this field and thedata.back_info.nationality:
field you can exactly identify the place of birth of the user in Chile or internationally. -
This field is a boolean with a value of true if thedata.back_info
are all true, a value of false would mean the opposite.
About this service
The service allows validating a Chilean ID through a REST API. The service receives as input parameters a photo of the front of the Chilean ID (image and name side), a rear photo of the Chilean ID (barcode side) and (Optional) the URL contained in the QR code on the back of the ID. The service performs the following validations:
- The images belong to a Chilean ID.
- The images have not been tampered with physically or digitally.
- The frontal image contains the face of only one person.
- The ID is active in the National Civil Registry of Chile
The service returns in your response :
- If the images of the ID are valid or not
- If the images of the ID have been adulterated or not
- If the ID is Is it active and valid in the National Civil Registry of Chile or not
- The information in JSON format on the front side of the ID
- The information in JSON format on the back side of the cedula
- The information in JSON format of the cedula in the National Civil Registry of Chile
Who can you query using this service?:
This service (document-id-cl) is available for you to query individuals only.
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