National Registry of Drivers and Vehicles (RUNT) Vehicles - Colombia

Lets integrate National Registry of Drivers and Vehicles (RUNT) Vehicles - Colombia in your system. First, get your Apitude API key, then send a POST request to Apitude... And that's it!.

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That POST request should return the following

    "message": "Request processed successfully",
    "url": "/api/v1.0/requests/runt-vehicle-co/e0606c19-a32d-410f-b2eb-d57a665677bc/",
    "request_id": "e0606c19-a32d-410f-b2eb-d57a665677bc"
This response will contains a unique request ID that you should poll using a GET as follows
How does the response looks like?

   "result": {
      "data": {
         "found": true,
         "otros": [],
         "soats": [
               "estado": "VIGENTE",
               "no_poliza": "37666889",
               "tipo_tarifa": "222",
               "fecha_vigencia": "2023-12-27",
               "fecha_expedicion": "2023-12-26",
               "fecha_vencimiento": "2024-12-26",
               "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
               "entidad_expide_soat": "SEGUROS GENERALES SURAMERICANA S.A."
         "prendas": [],
         "blindaje": {
            "blindado": "NO",
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000
         "permisos": [],
         "garantias": [],
         "automotores": [
               "url": "OBTENERCERTIFICADORTM/BC9A3642-444F-4BE2-AEED-23186ACEEF9F",
               "vigente": "SI",
               "numero_placa": "DZL746",
               "fecha_vigente": "2025-01-12",
               "tipo_revision": "REVISION TECNICO-MECANICO",
               "nro_certificado": "171006268",
               "fecha_expedicion": "2024-01-12",
               "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
               "informacion_consistente": "SI"
         "datos_tecnicos": {
            "no_ejes": "2",
            "capacidad_carga": "0",
            "pasajeros_sentados": "5",
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
            "peso_bruto_vehicular": "1705"
         "desintegracion": {
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000
         "poliza_causacion": {
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000
         "registro_inicial": {
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000
         "certificado_dijin": {
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000
         "tarjeta_operacion": null,
         "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
         "limitacion_propiedad": [],
         "solicitudes_vehiculo": [
               "estado": "RECHAZADA",
               "no_solicitud": "227533137",
               "fecha_solicitud": "2024-01-12",
               "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
               "tramites_realizados": "TRAMITE REVISION TECNICO MECANICA,"
         "informacion_general_vehiculo": {
            "color": "BLANCO ARTICO",
            "linea": "ECOSPORT",
            "marca": "FORD",
            "modelo": "2012",
            "no_vin": "9BFZE55F4C8728189",
            "prendas": "NO",
            "puertas": "4",
            "no_motor": "H49DC8728189-",
            "no_placa": "DZX746",
            "no_serie": "9BFZE55F4C8728189",
            "cilidraje": "1999",
            "no_chasis": "9BFZE55F4C8728189",
            "repotenciado": "NO",
            "clasificacion": "AUTOMOVIL",
            "tipo_servicio": "PARTICULAR",
            "clase_vehiculo": "CAMIONETA",
            "clasico_antiguo": "NO",
            "fecha_matricula": "2012-02-16",
            "tipo_carroceria": "WAGON",
            "ver_valida_dian": false,
            "es_regrabado_vin": "NO",
            "seguridad_estado": "NO",
            "tarjeta_servicio": "NO",
            "tiene_gravamenes": "NO",
            "tipo_combustible": "GASOLINA",
            "es_regrabado_motor": "NO",
            "es_regrabado_serie": "NO",
            "organismo_transito": "SECRETARIA DPTAL TTOYTTE SUCRE/SAMPUES",
            "pasajeros_sentados": "5",
            "serial_version_uid": 2792365148681728000,
            "es_regrabado_chasis": "NO",
            "estado_del_vehiculo": "ACTIVO",
            "mostrar_solicitudes": "SI",
            "no_licencia_transito": "10025319380",
            "tiene_lt_importacion": false
         "poliza_renponsabilidad_civil": null,
         "poliza_responsabilidad_civil": []
      "error": "",
      "end_at": "2024-08-15 04:39:18.258252",
      "status": 200,
      "message": "successful",
      "queried_by": "AnonymousUser",
      "service_name": "runt-vehicle-co"
   "message": "Request completed"
Ok, but what does each field in that JSON means?
The general parts:

  • message:The message is an Apitude generated string with an informational text about the request.
  • result:The result is contains the main part of the request.
  • result.error:The error is a string generated by apitude for the request if everything worked it will be blank.
  • result.message:The message is a string with two options successful or unsuccessful depending of how your request finished.
  • result.queried_by:The queried_by field is a string that lets you know what user started the request.
  • result.end_at:The end_at field is a string formatted date that lets you know at what time the request ended in Apitude.
  • result.service_name:The service_name field is a string that echos the service called. For this service it will always be runt-vehicle-co.
  • result.status:The status field is a integer that represents whether the service returned data from the input sent in the request. It could be one of the following values:
    • 200: The service returned response data for the payload that was sent in the creation of the request.
    • 404: The service did not returned data for the payload that was sent in the creation of the request.
    • 400: The service did not started because your input was invalid.
    • 500: Apitude tried to execute your request, however the service Apitude uses to execute your request was down. Please wait some time and try again, Apitude will not charged you for requests with this code.

    Depending on the service, you want it to return different codes. For example, if you are checking the user against a security list to whitelist the user you should look for a 404, because a 200 would mean the user is in fact in the list. Other cases however, like creating objects in the name of a user you want the code to be 200, since it will imply the creation was a success.

The data in the response:

Please refer to the official docs of this service online to find out more about what data is returned.

About this service

This service provides access to the Colombian National Registry of Drivers and Vehicles (RUNT) database through an API, specifically for vehicle information. It allows users to retrieve comprehensive details about a vehicle's registration, technical specifications, insurance history, technical inspections, and administrative procedures. The service is particularly useful for vehicle history checks, legal proceedings, insurance verification, and accessing up-to-date information on a vehicle's status and compliance with Colombian regulations.

Who can you query using this service?:

This service (runt-vehicle-co) is available for you to query both individuals and companies/businesses.

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